When we listen to music, what are we listening to?

"We can't shut out sound automatically. We simply are not equipped with earlids." (McLuhan, 111)

To me, what I hear in the environment can drastically change how I feel about a piece of music and what the song means to me.

If I'm in a kindergarten classroom, hearing kids running around, talking to one another, and I'm listening to a children's song, I'd feel... warm, safe, and be getting flashbacks of my childhood.



But if I'm alone in my house at night, doing homework... the lights are buzzing, closets are squeaking, winds are blowing, a stream of air knocks open my barely locked door... and this song comes up in my speaker...!

That's a somewhat extreme example, but you get my point : )

For this project (EVERYTHING WE DO (IS MUSIC) SOUNDSCAPE), I decided to base it off Symagination No.1, which is a piece that I worked on during this past winter break. I've spent hours working on the mix -- listening to it through my noise cancelling headphones in my dorm, meaning that I'm not getting any sound from the environment.

But recently, on my way back to my dorm, I was shuffling through songs in my iPod, and this piece came up -- I was wearing a pair of regular earbuds, and I could hear the sound of the rain hitting the ground, people walking, passing by.

Suddenly, I got this feeling that I've never felt before when listening to this piece: I suddenly felt like I'm this character who, has a story to tell.

It was almost like, at that moment, the sound of the environment gave the piece its meaning.

I immediately pulled out my phone and started recording the environment.

When I got back, I put the recording of the environment together with the original recording of the piece, as an attempt to explain what happened during that, sort of magical moment.

Some extra stuff:

I feel like every time I listen to music, I'm not just listening to music -- I'm experiencing music.

By that I mean, the musical experience can be a combination of a lot of things: 

  • the piece of music itself
  • the sound in the environment that I hear
  • what I see when I listen to the piece
  • where I am when I listen to the piece
  • how I feel at that time
  • who I'm listening to the piece with
  • whether the music brings up any memories
  • ... 
 There are so many variables that I think no two musical experiences are the same.


  1. When you play some music, it is interesting to notice the surrounding sounds. In most cases, I only pay attention to the music playing and ignore the surrounding sounds.

    1. Yeah same same, most of the time I have the noise cancellation on full blast and block off as much environment sound as possible.


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